Monday, September 9, 2019

Do cell phones cause cancer Review the science about the potential Essay

Do cell phones cause cancer Review the science about the potential hazard to human health - Essay Example hildren and adults, and the actuality that these phones emit radio- frequency waves, researchers and health specialists have raised concern about the safety of cellular phone utilization. With regard to cancer, the focus is on whether the users of cell phones are more prone to the risk of brain tumors and other tumors in the neck and head area. The radio frequency waves from cell phone are given off through the antenna. The nearer the cell phone is held to the head, the closer the antenna and a greater exposure to radio frequency energy of the person using the cell phone. A number of factors affect the quantity of radio frequency waves absorbed by the brain, including: total time the person spends on phone, as different phones emit different amount of waves therefore the model of phone being used, how close the phone is held to the head, and the amount of cell phones a specific area at the time. Public health specialists and researchers throughout the world are busy in vigorous discussions concerning whether radiation from the cell phones lead to brain cancer or not. The early studies of short term cell phone use did not find any evidence for augmented risk of brain cancer, but the studies conducted for long-term cell phone utilization, have instituted a greater risk of developing two types of brain cancers on the ipsilateral side, that is, the side of brain on which the mobile phone is mostly held. The two types of cancers are: A multinational case-control study was developed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in the late 1990s. It was named â€Å"INTERPHONE† and its purpose was to attend to rising public concerns about the safety of cell phones which were becoming very strong. The objective of the INTERPHONE case study was to look into and determine whether the radio frequency radiations which are emitted by the cell phones are carcinogenic. Thirteen countries were participants of this project and the study took place from year 2000 to

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