Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Trent Atheltics Center Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trent Atheltics Center - Article Example The process of business information management involves devising of strategies and integration of systems and controls, with the main aim of improving quality in order to deliver value to the consumers (Laudon and Laudon, 2009). According to Laudon and Laudon (2009), the Trent Athletics Center can use the integrated information systems to manage information that are strategic resources to the center. This will consequently enable the center to attain competitive advantage within the market. For example, through the integration of information systems, the Trent Athletics Center will be able to gain information concerning the general market, the competitors, consumer trends, and future forecast and thereafter, use this information to position itself competitively within the market. Furthermore, the writings by Laudon (2008), suggests that the Trent Athletic Center can properly use information systems by determining how they can adjust their products and services in precise manner to me et customers’ expectations and satisfy their needs. ... Based on the diversified nature of the center’s membership, it is correct to argue that focusing only on the family segment for marketing purposes, is likely to yield a significant increase in membership whilst using fewer resources for the marketing campaigns. In the other scenario, the center will divide a huge marketing budget to target each specific segment and the effect of this marketing campaign might be minimal because of limited resources. In order to attract more families, the center could devise the marketing message around the theme of the health effects associated with recreation and training activities. Because of the need to stay healthy, most families are likely to register at the center. Secondly, the center could market itself as a fun center where families can go to have a quality time from while using different recreation and training facilities within the center. Thirdly, by giving discounts on the family package, more people will prefer to register at the center with their family members rather than by themselves and this will ultimately increase the membership at the centre (Cialdini, 2006). Cialdini (2006) wrote that one of the basic tenets of marketing is that it should be carried out where and when majority of the target audience are likely to hear or read the marketing message. In the context of Trent Athletics Center, it can be stated that during matches, the scoreboard is one of the key areas where everybody’s attention is usually diverted to, since fans will be looking at the board periodically to see the current scores of the ongoing match. Therefore, the scoreboard offers a perfect platform for

Monday, October 28, 2019

Performance Art Essay Example for Free

Performance Art Essay Performance art is an essentially contested concept: any single definition of it implies the recognition of rival uses. As concepts like democracy or art, it implies productive disagreement with itself. [1] The meaning of the term in the narrower sense is related to postmodernist traditions in Western culture. From about the mid-1960s into the 1970s, often derived from concepts of visual art, with respect to Antonin Artaud, Dada, the Situationists, Fluxus, Installation art, and Conceptual Art, performance art tended to be defined as an antithesis to theatre, challenging orthodox art forms and cultural norms. The ideal had been an ephemeral and authentic experience for performer and audience in an event that could not be repeated, captured or purchased. [2] The in this time widely discussed difference, how concepts of visual arts and concepts of performing arts are utilized, can determine the meanings of a performance art presentation (compare Performance: A Critical Introduction by Marvin Carlson, P. 103,2-105,1). Performance art is a term usually reserved to refer to a conceptual art which conveys a content-based meaning in a more drama-related sense, rather than being simple performance for its own sake for entertainment purposes. It largely refers to a performance presented to an audience, but which does not seek to present a conventional theatrical play or a formal linear narrative, or which alternately does not seek to depict a set of fictitious characters in formal scripted interactions. It therefore can include action or spoken word as a communication between the artist and audience, or even ignore expectations of an audience, rather than following a script written beforehand. Some kinds of performance art nevertheless can be close to performing arts. Such performance may utilize a script or create a fictitious dramatic setting, but still constitute performance art in that it does not seek to follow the usual dramatic norm of creating a fictitious setting with a linear script which follows conventional real-world dynamics; rather, it would intentionally seek to satirize or to transcend the usual real-world dynamics which are used in conventional theatrical plays. Performance artists often challenge the audience to think in new and unconventional ways, break conventions of traditional arts, and break down conventional ideas about what art is. As long as the performer does not become a player who repeats a role, performance art can include satirical elements (compare Blue Man Group); utilize robots and machines as performers, as in pieces of the Survival Research Laboratories; involve ritualised elements (e. . Shaun Caton); or borrow elements of any performing arts such as dance, music, and circus. Some artists, e. g. the Viennese Actionists and neo-Dadaists, prefer to use the terms live art, action art, actions, intervention (see art intervention) or manoeuvre to describe their performing activities. As genres of performance art appear body art, fluxus-performance, happening, action poetry, and intermedia.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

What appeals most to people when it comes to different cultures is the food and the Jewish culture does not disappoint. Although Judaism is a religion, it is also a culture in its own right; many Jewish people share the same foods along with the same beliefs. What most non-Jewish people think of when the topic of Jewish food arises is the word kosher. Kosher foods are foods that abide by the regulations of the kashrut which is the Jewish dietary law . Some foods that are staples in the Jewish culture are matzah ball soup, latkes, tzimmes, gefilte fish, and Jewish apple kuchen (cake). Not all Jews share the same foods but most have had similar dishes throughout their lives. Those that keep kosher follow the laws of kashrut that start in the Torah. The word kosher comes from the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the Hebrew term kasher which means fit. When it comes to kosher meat, animals must have split hooves and chew their own cuds, although a pig has split hooves, it does not chew its own cuds so it cannot be kosher, other examples of non-kosher animals are the hare and camel. The Torah states winged creatures that cannot be consumed are mostly birds of prey, fish-eating water-birds and bats. Anything in the water that has fins and scales is considered clean. When it comes to dairy, milk from kosher animals is considered clean. Dairy and meat are not allowed to mix when keeping kosher. The reason for this is the Torah specifically forbids â€Å"seething† a young goat â€Å"in its mother’s milk† (Exodus 23:19, Exodus 34:26 and Deuteronomy 14:21) . Due to the dietary restrictions of Judaism, Jewish people had to get creative when it came to making dishes. A perfect example of this would be the Jewish apple kuchen or cake. For thi... ... tradition to eat sweet dishes for Rosh Hashanah to symbolize the hope of a sweet year. Gefilte fish is another Ashkenazi Jewish dish that is made from a poached mixture of ground boned fish like carp, whitefish or pike which is usually eaten as an appetizer. Historically it consisted of minced forcemeat which is a mixture of ground lean meat emulsified with fat, stuffed inside the fish skin. In the 19th century the skin has been left out and the fish is formed into patties. They are popular during Shabbat which is the Jewish day of rest and seventh day of the week; Jews remember the creation of the heavens and the earth in six days and the exodus of the Hebrews. Shabbat starts from a few minutes before sunset on Friday until the appearance of the three stars in the sky on Saturday night. Shabbat is started by lighting candles and reciting a blessing.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Socrates :: essays research papers

As we read in the Apology, Socrates was on trial because he was thought to be a wise man who taught his views to the youth. Being wise was an illegal behavior during his time. He was accused of making weaker arguments the stronger. Knowing none of these accusations to be true, Socrates told the jury what he believed to be true. When found guilty of such accusations Socrates did let it be known he did not fear death. As a philosopher he questioned the purity of everything, and of course the heavens were not overlooked. He wondered if after death there was a great place where all who have passed go and live an even better life than known to us on earth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He also wondered if death was a blessing. Not clearly knowing what happens after death, he thought one of two theories would occur. There was either a relocation for the soul in another place with an all new life, or the body was nothing and had no perception of anything once departed. Socrates viewed both situations as good, so a blessing it would be indeed. He then thought if it was like a state of dreamless sleep, death would be an advantage. Thus, think of the best sleep you ever had and did not dream at all. Also think of the mornings you do not want to wake up cause you know the upcoming day entails hard work and minimal pleasures. Socrates thought not many days were as good as this occasional great sleep. If death was as great as this, he thought there was nothing to fear. He also thought that if they were to go on to a different place after death, this as well, would also be great. Given the ability to once again see the people who have passed into this gr eat place.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dangerous Knowledge

Mary Shelley demonstrates how dangerous it is to pursue knowledge through Victor's health with his growing obsession with his scientific goals, the death of his younger brother William due to his neglect of his own creation, and finally his loss of rationality and mental stability when the creature retaliates against its maker. As a young child Frankincense had an uncommon craving for knowledge. As an adolescent Victor was more intense than most and could apply himself more acutely. Reading outdated books as child victor became interested in the fields of natural philosophy and chemistry.Becoming an above average tuned Victor pursued higher education at a university level. This curiosity lead him to his research to discover the hidden laws of nature. Laws of nature that no human was ever meant to know. Spending multiple years dedicated to this discovery, abandoning his moral code victor tries to play God by trying to create life where there is none. The potential rewards of this atte mpt causes Victor to miss all caution when considering the consequences of his actions, which allows the experiment to progress till completion.It is only after completion that victor realizes the dangers of knowing too much, not legalizing the dangers of this knowledge Victor ignores not only his personal wellbeing but his loved ones as well. Spending many years in seclusion, Victor ignores his person health and falls into a state of illness. Because of his growing obsession victor further disregards his health and almost dies. Victor fails to realize is that the knowledge that he has pursued almost killed him, and will continue to hinder him to live a peaceful and happy life.In a condition of illness and isolation victor discovers Cleaver his boyhood friend has come to visit him in his time of weakness. With the presence of Henry victors spirits arise to levels of normality, although for a time which is yet to be determined. Unprepared for the consequences of his creation victor r ealizes his worst fears. On receiving a letter from his father telling him that Victor's youngest brother, William, has been murdered. Victor travels back to Geneva to find that is was his creation that murders his brother.Victor realizes that it was he who responsible for the death of his younger brother. Later in the novel victor sees that it was his neglect for the power hat he held and the power in which he wanted to obtain were the reasoning for his catastrophes. â€Å"By my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier the man is who believes his native town is the world, than he who aspires to become greater his nature will allow. † Cheap.This quote is when victor is telling his story to Walton, telling him the dangers of obtaining knowledge. Because of his lack of attention to the power that he held victor now sees that it was he himself that altered not only his fate but his loved his loved ones as well. Further in the novel the reader s ees he accumulation of distress placed on victor because of his accretion of dangerous knowledge. The final phase in Victor's realization that it was his acquisition of dangerous knowledge that lead to the death of his beloved Elizabeth and father.He believes that it is him who the creature is after only to find that it is his loved ones. Once the creature murders Elizabeth Victor falls into a state of severe illness yet again from his own doing. Recovering from his sickness Victor's mental state is disarray having nothing left to live for he is determined to take life from that in which he gave and eventually dads to his own death. Victors near death experience is in direct relation to his lack of understanding of dangerous knowledge.The entirety of his adult life Victors life was dictated by his disregard for the acquirement of dangerous knowledge and lead to the death of everyone close to him and eventually his passing Frankincense, is a warning about the dangers of knowledge and the consequences that result because of the reckless pursuit of information. The novel shows that sometimes actions do not get the chosen outcome. As was the case with Dry. Frankincense. Victor becomes obsessed in his pursuit to gain knowledge and create life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Euthanasia In The United States Essays - Euthanasia, Medical Ethics

Euthanasia In The United States Essays - Euthanasia, Medical Ethics Euthanasia In The United States Euthanasia in the United States Every year two million people die in North America. Chronic illness, such as cancer or heart disease, accounts for two of every three deaths. It is estimated that approximately seventy percent of these people die after a decision is made to forgo life-sustaining treatment (Choice in Dying). In America and all around the world, the ongoing debate is whether patients should have the opportunity to implement this critical alternative of euthanasia. Although controversial, it is imperative that United States citizens are not denied this right to a humane death. Groups in opposition to euthanasia say that patients who yearn to make this decision are neither in a healthy psychological state of mind nor have the God-willing right to do so. These groups feel if euthanasia were to become a publicly accepted option to the terminally ill that physicians, family, and even patients may abuse it. They also strongly support modern end-of-life treatment, known as palliative care, as a more logical and moral option. Perhaps the strongest belief that euthanasia is wrong comes from those who follow the words of the Bible and believe that every aspect of life belongs to God. The Old Testament records an incident involving King Saul of Israel, who became seriously wounded on the battlefield. Fearing the advancing enemy, Saul took his own sword and tried to fall against it. He cried to a soldier, Come and put me out of my misery for I am in terrible pain but life lingers on. The soldier acted in accordance with the wishes of the king and killed him. The soldier then brought some of Sauls armor to David and said, I killed him, for I knew he couldnt live. David ordered the soldier put to death (Eareckson, 111). Those who believe in the Bible clearly see here that, whether a monarch or a common person, mercy killing is perceived as iniquitous in the Lords eyes. To see a more recent example of the Catholic Churchs disagreement of euthanasia we only have to look back a few years. In 1994, for instance, the Dutch television station IKONs filming of the death of a man with Lou Gehrigs disease in a documentary, Death on Request, brought a denunciation from the Vatican (Branegan, 30). Equally important to those supporting the anti-euthanasia cause is the thought of any physician, family member or patient who would abuse this right if given the chance. Naturally, much trust is bestowed in these key players of our lives if anything were to happen to us. The question in this sense is how do we know that they will make decisions in the best interest of the patient if they are unable to speak for themselves? Would the financial and emotional burden on the family of a terminally ill patient cause them to make an irrational decision to directly affect the life of the patient? If the emotional stress doesnt get to some people, the financial burden may definitely hit some families hard these days with the high costs of modern medical treatment. And who couldnt use thousands of dollars in life insurance? The temptation is definitely there. A harsh example of this can be seen in the experience of a fifty-year-old woman with cancer of the bones, liver, lungs, and breast. Her doctor was a Polish-born oncologist, Dr. Ben Zylicz. Dr. Zylicz explained to the woman that he could lessen her pain with drugs, and offered her a hospital room. Aware of Hollands policy allowing doctors to end the lives of the terminally ill by such means, the woman stated, I am Catholic. My religious beliefs would never allow me to accept euthanasia. Zylicz assured the woman that he would take care of her, and she agreed to take the room. After twenty-four hours of morphine treatment she was able to see her family (Eads, 93). Later, a nurse called Zylicz at home with some distressing news. After Zylicz had left the hospital, another doctor entered the patients hospital room and asked her husband and sister to leave. He then ordered an increase in her morphine dosage, but refused to confirm the order in writing. Within minutes the woman was dead.

Monday, October 21, 2019

23 Ideas for Science Experiments Using Plants

23 Ideas for Science Experiments Using Plants Plants are tremendously crucial to life on earth. They are the foundation of food chains in almost every ecosystem. Plants also play a significant role in the environment by influencing climate and producing life-giving oxygen. Plant project studies allow us to learn about plant biology and potential usage for plants in other fields such as medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. The following plant project ideas provide suggestions for topics that can be explored through experimentation. Plant Project Ideas Do magnetic fields affect plant growth?Do different colors of light affect the direction of plant growth?Do sounds (music, noise, etc.) affect plant growth?Do different colors of light affect the rate of photosynthesis?What are the effects of acid rain on plant growth?Do household detergents affect plant growth?Can plants conduct electricity? Does cigarette smoke affect plant growth?Does soil temperature affect root growth?Does caffeine affect plant growth?Does water salinity affect plant growth?Does artificial gravity affect seed germination?Does freezing affect seed germination?Does burned soil affect seed germination?Does seed size affect plant height?Does fruit size affect the number of seeds in the fruit?Do vitamins or fertilizers promote plant growth better?Do fertilizers extend plant life during a drought?Does leaf size affect plant transpiration rates?Can plant spices inhibit bacterial growth?Do different types of artificial light affect plant growth?Does soil pH affect plant growth? Do carnivorous plants prefer certain insects?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

14 Ways to Write Better in High School

14 Ways to Write Better in High School Whether youre putting together a research paper for class, posting a blog, composing your SAT essay or brainstorming for your college admissions essay, you just kind of need to know how to write. And sometimes, high school kids really struggle to get the words from their brain onto paper. But really, writing is not all that tricky. You should not break out in a cold sweat when your teacher announces an essay exam. You can write better in six minutes if you just use some of these tips to help you get the ideas that flow so easily from your mouth to do the same thing from your fingertips. Read on for 14 ways to write better essays, blogs, papers, the works! 1. Read Cereal Boxes Yep, cereal boxes, magazines, blogs, novels, the newspaper, ads, e-zines, you name it. If it has words, read it. Good writing will challenge you to up your game, and bad writing will help you learn what not to do. A variety of reading materials can influence you in subtle ways, too. Ads are often perfect examples of succinct, persuasive text. The newspaper will show you how to hook a reader in a few lines. A novel can teach you how to incorporate dialogue seamlessly into your essay. Blogs are great for demonstrating an authors voice. So, if its there, and youve got a second, read it. 2. Start a Blog/Journal Good writers write. A lot. Start a blog (maybe even a teen blog?) and advertise it all over Facebook and Twitter if youre interested in feedback. Start a blog and keep it quiet if youre not. Keep a journal. Report on things happening in your life/around school/ around your home. Try to solve daily problems with quick, one-paragraph solutions. Get started on some really unique creative writing prompts. Practice. Youll get better. 3. Open Up a Can of Worms Dont be afraid to get a little risky. Go against the grain. Shake things up. Tear apart the poems you find meaningless on your next essay. Research a touchy political subject like immigration, abortion, gun control, capital punishment, and unions. Blog about topics that generate real, heartfelt, impassioned discussion. You dont have to write about hummingbirds just because your teacher loves them. 4. To Thine Own Self Be True Stick with your own voice. Nothing sounds faker than a high school essay with words like alas and evermore sprinkled throughout, especially when the author is a skater kid from Fresno. Use your own wit, tone, and vernacular. Yes, you should adjust your tone and level of formality based on the writing situation (blog vs. research paper), but you dont have to become a different person just to put together your college admissions essay. Theyll like you better if youre you. 5. Avoid Redundancy Just drop the word nice from your vocabulary. It doesnt really mean anything. Same goes for good. There are thirty-seven better ways to say what you mean. Busy as a bee, sly as a fox, and hungry as a wolf belong in country songs, not in your ACT essay. 6. Keep Your Audience in Mind This goes back to adjusting your tone and level of formality based on the writing situation. If youre writing to gain entrance to your first choice for college, then perhaps youd better not talk about that time you made it to second base with your love interest. Your teacher is not interested in your sticker collection, and the readers on your blog dont care about the stellar research project you put together on the migratory habits of emperor penguins. Writing is one part marketing. Remember that if you want to be a better writer! 7. Go To the Dark Side Just for the heck of it, allow yourself to consider the possibility that the opposite opinion is actually correct. Write your next essay defending the 180 of your thought processes. If youre a Coke person, go Pepsi. Cat lover? Defend dogs. Catholic? Figure out what the Protestants are talking about. By exploring a different set of beliefs, you open up your brain to endless creativity, and maybe garner some fodder for your next debate, too. 8. Make It Real Boring writing doesnt use the senses. If your writing assignment is to report on the local parade and you fail to mention the shrieking kids, dripping chocolate ice cream cones, and rat-tat-tatting from the marching bands snare drum, then youve failed. You need to make whatever youre writing about come alive to your reader. If they werent there, put them on that street with the parade. Youll be a better writer for it! 9. Give People Goosebumps Good writing will make people feel something. Tie something concrete – relatable –to the existential. Instead of talking about justice as a vague idea, tie the word, judgment, to the sound the gavel makes as it hits the judges desk. Tie the word, sadness, to a young mother lying on her husbands freshly dug grave. Tie the word, joy to a dog careening around the yard when it sees its owner after two long years at war. Make your readers cry or laugh out loud at the coffee shop. Ticked off. Make them feel and theyll wanna come back for more. 10. Write Creatively When Youre Sleepy Sometimes, the inspiration bug bites when youre all strung-out from being up too late. Your mind opens up a bit when youre tired, so youre more likely to shut down the robot-I-am-in-control portion of your brain and listen to the whisper of the muses. Give it a whirl the next time youre struggling to get out of the gate on your take-home essay. 11. Edit When Youre Fully Rested Sometimes those late-night muses steer your writing vessel directly into a rocky shoreline, so dont make the mistake of calling your work done at 3:00 AM. Heck, no. Make time the next day, after a long, satisfying rest, to edit all of those ramblings and misspelled words. 12. Enter Writing Contests Not everyone is brave enough to enter a writing contest, and thats just silly. If you want to become a better writer, find some free writing contests for teenagers online and submit everything you wouldnt be embarrassed to see plastered all over the Internet. Often, contests come with editing or feedback, which can really help you improve. Give it a shot. 13. Dive Into Nonfiction Not all good writers write poetry, plays, scripts, and novels. Many of the most successful writers out there stick to nonfiction. They write memoirs, magazine articles, newspaper articles, blogs, personal essays, biographies, and advertisements. Give nonfiction a shot. Try describing the last five minutes of your day with startling clarity. Take the latest news report and write a two-paragraph description of the events as if you were there. Find the coolest person you know and write your next essay about his or her childhood. Write a two-word ad for the best pair of shoes in your closet. Try it – most of the good writers do!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

German Foreign Direct Investments in China Coursework - 3

German Foreign Direct Investments in China - Coursework Example Majority of the studies have revealed that there is more benefit coming from FDI to both the host and the home country compared to the risks generated. It is noted that in FDI, a rational firm commits itself to invest in another firm or a different locality if only it is anticipating a viable profit that is to come from the operation (Dunning 1980, p. 9-31). Â  From the various sources, clear indications have been shown to support that there is an increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) in China. This is not surprising at all in regard to the huge market size and the opportunities for exploitation of resources in existence. In addition, the policies of open market China has been pursuing over the last twenty years and the efforts that have been converted to attract FDI has acted as a springboard to the growth of FDI, and the ultimate interest in the scientific analysis. The continuous development of China’s economic development largely does depend on the extent of policy-making and FDI that will help in facilitating inward investment. Moreover, foreign development and investment f specific industrial sector are seen as an essential way to establish the superstructure and the infrastructure of today’s economy of the market (Chang & Rosenzweig 2001, p. 747-776). Â  For several years, the model of OLI has been a significant framework min analyzing the multinational enterprise's activities as well as the economic rationale that takes place in the international operations. This model is also known as the eclectic model, and it was first postulated in the year 1976 after having been proposed by J. H. Dunning.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Personal experience essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal experience - Essay Example His other essay, â€Å"Shooting an Elephant,† exposes the evils of imperialism for both local people and white settlers. In The Girl from H.O.P.P.E.R.S., Hernandez emphasizes that despite physical differences, people can find something that will connect them to one another. This writer can connect with the feelings of social inequality in â€Å"Such, Such Were the Joys† and social stratification and division in â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† and The Girl from H.O.P.P.E.R.S., but the same pessimistic Orwellian tone does not dominate her life because of the existence of strong family ties and friendships that helped her grow as a woman and as a human being. Personal experiences of social inequality are similar to these essays and the novel, where social class affected how people treated each other. Growing up as a middle class and studying at a private school provide similar experiences as Orwell’s â€Å"Such, Such Were the Joys.† He experienced being be aten up because of wetting his bed. He could not understand why something he could not control result to the head mistress, Flip, seeing that â€Å"the proper cure was a beating† (Orwell â€Å"Such† 1). The beating inevitably made him more anxious and increased his bed wetting woes. It is possible too that his restlessness comes from the feeling of not being able to fit into a posh school. Sambo wants to attract fame and money to his school: â€Å"One was to attract titled boys to the school, and the other was to train up pupils to win scholarships at public schools, above all at Eton† (Orwell â€Å"Such† 2). In doing so, he increases the gulf between Orwell and his richer classmates. The differences in treatment between the very rich and just affluent enough is clear. Orwell thinks about these differentiated treatments: â€Å"I doubt whether Sambo ever caned any boy whose father's income was much above ?2,000 a year† (Orwell â€Å"Such† 2). This writer feels the same brunt of being poor, although not entirely poor. Having studied in a private school, where many students are extremely rich, she feels left out. The school is not her second home, but a place to be judged and compared to others. Being different to the eyes of others because of physical differences and confidence is compared to The Girl from H.O.P.P.E.R.S. Rena befriends India, who thinks she is a â€Å"little monster† (Hernandez 14). As a midget wrestler, India is both cheered and jeered. In the end, she feels a small and helpless being with no friends and future. The writer shares the same helpless feelings, but not the lack of future. She manages to feel strong despite feeling small in a world that she feels is bigger than her. The writer feels the same negative way of seeing her difference; her strength has become her source of loneliness too. Social division happens because some people focus on differences in race, religion, political ideologie s, and gender. Being a strong and individualistic woman is considered abnormal, as in The Girl from H.O.P.P.E.R.S. Rena has the respect of people because of her size and strength. But like India, society sees her as a freak. This is why she feels empathy for India; they are the same in many ways, only in different packages. This writer understands how it feels to be socially alienated. It cuts into her identity, which could have made her just as miserable as

Statement of Purpose for PhD in Supply Chain Management Essay

Statement of Purpose for PhD in Supply Chain Management - Essay Example These activities include buying product parts from the suppliers, assembling those parts for the manufacturing of the product, and selling the manufactured parts to the customers. For every supply chain process to be efficient, there are some key steps, which the management of a company must take. These steps include plan, develop, create, deliver, and return. Planning is the step which initiates the supply chain process. In this step, a proper strategy is developed by the management in order to make the product or service meet the needs and demands of the customers. Next step is to develop the product. This step includes some important activities such as identifying the reliable and efficient suppliers, planning the method for shipping, product delivery planning, and making payments. Make is the third stage in the supply chain process. This step includes manufacturing, testing, packaging, and scheduling activities. All key issues related to the product manufacturing and packaging are managed at this step. The fourth step in the supply chain process includes delivery of the manufactured product to the targeted customers. At this step, orders are taken from th e customers and the requested products and services are delivered to the customers by the company. Return is the last step included in the supply chain process. In this process, customers deliver the defective products back to the company either for replacement or for refund of money. I am fully aware of all issues related to these steps, and my skills and innovative nature motivate me to do something new in the field of supply chain management. One of the reasons for why am I applying for the doctorate program being offered by the Dublin Institute of Technology is the level of motivation which I have for obtaining doctorate degree in Supply Chain Management. It has been one of my desires since I started my university life to get a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparison between american and japanese army in world war 2 Research Paper

Comparison between american and japanese army in world war 2 - Research Paper Example It is worth noting that in the beginning of the war, with Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, Japan can be considered as having air force capabilities that were considerable in 1941, even as the United States was in a state of trying to accelerate its air force program through a rapid buildup in capabilities. What prompted this hasty buildup was Germanys invasion of Poland two years before the Pearl Harbor invasion, with Hitler signaling its ambition to take on Europe by force. At the time of the Polish invasion the American Air Forces consisted of less than two thousand aircraft and just 26,000 people. The US War Department signaled its own intent to radically beef up its air force capabilities with the establishment of the AAF, or the Army Air Forces, making it equal in stature to the ground forces of the US Army (Craven and Cate; Weinberg; US Air Force; Weider History Group). After 1941, it became clear to the US that the war could not be won without the necessary radical expansion of its air force capabilities, and the manic buildup process resulted in the United States eventually producing the largest air force fleet in the world, eventually overcoming the air forces of the Germans and the Japanese. The capabilities of the US Air Forces at the height of that buildup ran through a wide array of tactical functions and uses, from reconnaissance to bombing to attacking, personnel training, and transporting. At its height, the US Air Forces had an inventory of more than 80,000 aircraft with different capabilities and uses, while its personnel count reached more than 2.4 million people. A sampling of the inventory of aircraft used in the war effort included the B29 Superfortress, the B17 Flying Fortress, the C47 Skytrain, and the P51 Mustang (Coakley; Adams 1994; US Air Force). The final year of the war saw the complete overpowering of the counterpart US air forces of the Japanese, capped by

Working with Children Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Working with Children Case Study - Essay Example Each member of the family focuses on personal difficulties and has little interaction with others. Kerry, age 2 Under Theory of Mind, a securely attached child sees an image of self in a caregiver and this offers security. It is obvious Kerry is lacking the connection to her mother that she needs to form emotional attachments. Although the fact that she seldom speaks is not a real concern--children younger than 3 often hold back on conversation until they feel secure about communicating--it still might be an indication of a more serious problem. Since she would at her age be expected to use two or three word sentences, her development would appear to be slower than normal. Shouting or crying for what she wants is a definite bid for attention. There is a universal human need to form close emotional bonds, and Kerry seems to be lacking any positive connection to her family. This is a problem that needs to be addressed. Attendance at a Sure Start Children’s Centre might offer Kerry the opportunity to make friends and learn how to communicate with others. Sure Start local programmes, in use since 1999, bring together childcare, early education, health and family support services for families with children from before birth to 4 years old. It has been targeted at the most disadvantaged areas of the country such as the industrial areas of the Midlands. Kerry might be a candidate for the Talking and Learning Together Project which addresses speech and language issues. The holistic approach with multi-disciplinary teams of professionals goes beyond childcare and supports families in parenting and employment aspirations (Sure Start: local programmes, 2006). Alcohol, drugs and physical abuse are possible concerns in this family. Declan appears to be at loose ends as far as being employed, and, although he claims to be looking for work, it is not clear if he is actually utilising the Job Centre as a source. He doesn’t have any specific work

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Comparison between american and japanese army in world war 2 Research Paper

Comparison between american and japanese army in world war 2 - Research Paper Example It is worth noting that in the beginning of the war, with Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, Japan can be considered as having air force capabilities that were considerable in 1941, even as the United States was in a state of trying to accelerate its air force program through a rapid buildup in capabilities. What prompted this hasty buildup was Germanys invasion of Poland two years before the Pearl Harbor invasion, with Hitler signaling its ambition to take on Europe by force. At the time of the Polish invasion the American Air Forces consisted of less than two thousand aircraft and just 26,000 people. The US War Department signaled its own intent to radically beef up its air force capabilities with the establishment of the AAF, or the Army Air Forces, making it equal in stature to the ground forces of the US Army (Craven and Cate; Weinberg; US Air Force; Weider History Group). After 1941, it became clear to the US that the war could not be won without the necessary radical expansion of its air force capabilities, and the manic buildup process resulted in the United States eventually producing the largest air force fleet in the world, eventually overcoming the air forces of the Germans and the Japanese. The capabilities of the US Air Forces at the height of that buildup ran through a wide array of tactical functions and uses, from reconnaissance to bombing to attacking, personnel training, and transporting. At its height, the US Air Forces had an inventory of more than 80,000 aircraft with different capabilities and uses, while its personnel count reached more than 2.4 million people. A sampling of the inventory of aircraft used in the war effort included the B29 Superfortress, the B17 Flying Fortress, the C47 Skytrain, and the P51 Mustang (Coakley; Adams 1994; US Air Force). The final year of the war saw the complete overpowering of the counterpart US air forces of the Japanese, capped by

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Apple Store Building for the Photoshop Project Essay

Apple Store Building for the Photoshop Project - Essay Example For my Photoshop project, I decided to explain or even define what Apple is today. I think that for the past couple of years, they have significantly evolved into something much more interesting than their circumstance a decade ago when Apple is merely all about the "mac". For this purpose, I used three photographs: a photo of the Apple Store in New York; a photo of Steve Jobs; and, a photo of myself. I have edited these three materials in order to be integrated into one seamless poster of an important artifact of the twenty-first century.As previously mentioned, Apple has undergone a significant transformation, significantly changing its focus since the 1990s. For years, the organization has been steadfast and determined to uphold its core value as represented in the "mac" computer, including its own operating system. In this period, Apple has built a cult following, who were rapidly consuming each release of the "mac" hardware and the OSX platform. In the past years, however, Apple has diversified into several other products, particularly in mobile devices. Because of this, it has achieved a significant amount of mainstream success. It has perfected a unique formula for its products, which is composed of a tightly controlled ecosystem and extremely beautiful and user-friendly interfaces for its devices. I would like to capture this essence, first and foremost. In order to do this, I selected the Apple Store in New York. This particular image impressed me because it has several elements, which I think is representative of this aspect of the Apple brand. If one looks at the image, the Apple Store, resplendent in glass and steel is surrounded by buildings, dimmed by the night setting. Two of these building were prominently shown flanking the Apple glass box. On the left is a classically designed building, while on the right, stood a modernist concrete structure. For me, the tableaux can tell us two things if one follows the photographic principles especially tha t about semiotic codes. First is that Apple is not afraid to be different as demonstrated in the way the store was uniquely designed. It celebrated its uniqueness that is why it leads to innovation. Secondly, Apple is becoming more open to the idea of mass culture and it is starting to go mainstream. But, this is being done, on its own terms.

Effect of Social Media on Nigerian Undergraduate Essay Example for Free

Effect of Social Media on Nigerian Undergraduate Essay Rapid growth of popular online communication mediums has introduced new ways for the students to communicate. The vast array of social communication changes introduced by the relatively young prologue of social network site mandate the essences of this study. This study accessed the influenced social media (facebook in particular) on Nigeria youth in the higher institution. Specifically it attempts to collect facts on the positive and negative influence of facebook on Nigeria youth. Background of the Study  New type of communication influence by rapidly changing internet-based-technologies have spurred research on mass communications theory(Ruggerio,2000). during the period of 1988 to 1998 the internet grow nearly 100 percent every year as of January of 1998,it was estimated that 102 million people were using the internet globally(Bastian,1998). in 2007, the pew internet American life project forecasted that between 165 and 210 million users were surfing the internet in the united states alone (fallows,2007). Between November of 2006 and December of2009,the pew Internet American life project found that teenagers and young adults were consistently to highest users of the internet. social network sites, in particular, have provide a prominent medium for relationship formation (valkenburg, Peter sebouten,2006). As the internet quickly grow many key online technologies began to take shape. In 2008, social networking site were among the fastest rising most visited websites. CBC News reported that the popular social networking website Facebook jumped from the 60th most visited website to the 7th most visited website in 2008. One social network site in particular has become one of the most visited internet websites in the world. Initially started in February of 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, the social network site Facebook. com has become largely popular. Its mission has been to â€Å"give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected† (Facebook. com, 2009). Millions of users are empowered to communicate with friends, share information such as photographs and videos, and learn more about the individuals they meet on Facebook everyday (Facebook. com,2009) At the time of data collection for this study Facebook. om had over 900 million active users, approximately half of Facebook’s active users log into Facebook on a given day. In addition, users have historically spent 500 billion minute per month on Facebook (Facebook. com, 2010). As of spring of 2010, Facebook had become the most popular social network site in the world. As online social networking grows in popularity the number of users placing personal information online does as well. Studies as shown that undergraduates put high levels of personal information online/ including inappropriate and appropriate information,which can be easily accessed by anyone.  This study focused on the influences of social networking on undergraduate that are using Facebook. This literature review discusses the previous research and findings on the influence of Social Media (Facebook) on undergraduate, youth and children. According to data gathered from several sources by Online Education . net. Social media may have positive impact on students’ sense of themselves in the community. social media-using students were twice as likely as other students feel well-liked by their peers and to participate in extracirricular activities. And more of Facebook-using students (as compared to students who didn’t use Facebook) said they felt connected to their school and the world. However, negative effects abound student who use Faceebok and hit the books simultaneously found their multitasking led to a lower grades than those of their more focused peers. Not only do grade suffer, but students might actually end up feeling depress. As Facebook’s dominance continues to grow, we are starting to realize the impact it is having in society, particularly on youth. DR. Larry Rosen, a professor of psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills, researches on how technology impacts youth. Rosen presented his study at the 119th American Psychological Association Convention in Washington DC. His findings are based on survey responses from computer-based surveys distributed to 1,000 urban adolescents and his own 15-minute observation of 300 teenagers that were studying. Rosen said in a presentation title† Poke Me: How Social Network can both Help and Harm Our Kids. He said his research found both negative and positive influences linked to social networking. Rosen’s top three potential negative effects of Facebook; 1. Teenager who use Facebook more often show narcissistic tendencies while young adults who have a strong Facebook presence show more sign of other psychological disorders, including antisocial behaviours, mania, and aggressive tendencies. 2. Daily over use media and technology has a negative effect on the health of all children, preteens, an teenagers by making them more susceptible to future health problems’ 3.  Facebook can be distracting and can negatively impact learning. Studies found that middle school, high school, and college students who checked Facebook at least once during a 15-minute study period achieved lower grades. Rosen’s top three potential positive effects of Facebook; 1. Young adult who spend more time on Facebook are better at showing â€Å"virtual empathy† to their friends 2. Online social networking can help introverted adolescents learn how to socialized behind the safely of various screens, ranging from two-inch smart phone to 17-inch laptop.   3.  Social networking can provide tools for teaching in compelling ways that engage young students. Jasmine, P. (2011) rightly said; today youth is addicted to social networking site like orkut, Facenook, e. t. c. But nowadays especially Facebook is most popular amongst youth. Due to this over indulgence, their studies suffer a lot. Even it not only hinder their studies but also their physical, social, mental and ethic growth. Children have become couch potato. Parents are under stress to see their children spending more and more time on this social network sites. ot only children became a prey of these but every age group fascinated of this sites. this sites are meant for connecting people, to make them socialize, communicate with each other, share videos, photos, their past memories etc. but people especially youth used whole day wasting their time on this sites. they are addicted to this sites. Mose Jator(2011)also has this to say; social networking is good to some extent that people share views and ideas as well as keep in touch with friends and love ones. ooking at it on the other hand, you will discover that people today tend to use this avenue for their selfish interests which in most cases offend public decency. Some use fake identity. Looking at it on the other hand, you will discover that people today tend to use this avenue for their selfish interests which in most cases offend public decency. Some use fake identities with the sole aim of cheating hence the prevalence of cybercrime. Many youth today found themselves in one secret society and either consciously or unconsciously through social networking. Walther (1995) postulates that computer-mediated communication(e. g. social network)offers additional opportunity for students with limited amounts of time for socialization to develop their personal relationship than their face-to-face peers(as cited in Mazar, Murphy Simonds,2007). Methodology The intent of this study is to examine the influence of facebook on undergraduates. it seek to determine the positive and negative impact of facebook have on undergraduates attitude, grade and social life. An interview with 15 respondent from the major higher institutions in kwara state. Interview guide was used in collecting in-depth or rich data from the respondent. the purpose of this section is to describe the methodology used in this qualitative study. Findings Social media has become an integral part of our lives and no group feels it impact more than students. Facebook started on college campuses and it continue to thrive there the most. there’s no doubt that social media has had a huge impact on the lives of students, but what’s less clear is whether this impact has been good or bad. As a result of the interview guide administered to undergraduate of higher institution of Kwara state. Akinkunmi Jayeola, a business study student of Kwara state polytechnic posited that facebook are good platform for sharing what’s in your mind, a good medium of communication, easiest and cheapest means of communication. it’s a good way to stay connected with your friends in this fast going trend. You get a good knowledge about present going things. He later go further by pointing out the negative side of it by stressing that, if you give it so importance it will make you as slave. Another opinion from Afolayan Kabir another student from same institution also elaborate what Akinkunmi has said by stressing that facebook is good to use if we use it to some limit. it help us in improving our communication, use for creating awareness and negative aspect of it is that students waste too much time on this site. Baderu Ayotunde also have something to say; he rightly stress that it is good for student to use facebook if it is used in a right way because it a means for individual to explore the world without physically taking risks. nother student expositing on Baderu’s point of view that facebook is a good things for youth of Nigeria to think beyond friendship to close or old friends and new friends around the globe, one can share thought to each other and exchange the knowledge. he further enriches his point by sitting instant like; Today if breaking news happens before the news channels flashes, facebook flashes up the detail which were uploaded or shared by t he nearby person using facebook. he took his stand that to him that facebook is the way to develop the people of Nigeria and aware them. Najeeb Blogun student of university of Ilorin held a contrary opinion by stating that facebook have a negative impact on youth by spoiling their life and killing their most valuable time in chatting rather than spending time more on their studies. He go further by also positing that youth are cheatting one another by their false name on facebook, like a boy coming into facebook and introducing himself as a girl to divert attention towards himself and exploiting the people’s mind, it may also increase terrorism. In exploring the underlying structures of influence of facebook on Nigeria youth, the fact deduce is that facebook site has became the means of communication where individual were connected with friends and relatives with this sites as they don’t have enough time to spend with their friends in their busy schedule they can stay connected with them by sharing their feelings, thoughts, pictures etc. It’s the easiest and cheapest means of communication as now that internet is easily accessible to everybody. As anything that exceeds its limit becomes addiction therefore this can affect anyone that got addicted to facebook. The information uploaded can be misused by the people so it increases the question of privacy. so adaptation of things in limited ways is important.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Issues of Multinational Corporations

Issues of Multinational Corporations In todays global world, there have increasing trends of international geographic diversification which can be define as a business expansion across the borders of global regions into different geographic location with many subsidiaries in a large numbers of countries- Multinational Corporations (MNCs). MNCs have taken on an increasing role and become the key component in the world economy as a whole and in globalization of market. International business scholars have argued that international diversification is vital because it is based on exploiting imperfections and foreign market opportunities through internalization (Rugman, 1979, 1981). Today global was become more challenges; as a result, many multinational companies (MNCs) seek to expand their business in the international geographic region through aggressively establishing subsidiaries and direct foreign investment to increase the return and lower the risk as well as enhance the value of shareholders equity By looking at the past and more recent survey, it seems that the number of MNCs that are bases in Malaysia have increased significantly over the year (Bala UNCTAD, 1999; Annuar et al., 1996 and Heenan Keegan, 1979). Bala (1999) points out as of 1997; half of the firm that is listed on KLSE is MNCs. This mean over the year to year, Malaysia has increased on the international diversification. Many MNCs from developing countries such as Malaysia also build up their operation in oversea. For example, the company in Malaysia that operates abroad is PETRONAS and IOI. Have MNCs or international diversification really bring benefits to the business. As shown by David and Qian (1997), firms anticipate positive returns on the foreign investments or else they will not involve in the activities. Therefore if the previous performance of Malaysia MNCs on investments overseas is good, it will encourage more of such investments. However, MNCs is also exposure to some international risk that firm must pay more attention. Those risks are exchange rate movement exposure foreign economy exposure and political risk exposure. Problem Statement This study focuses on Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in Malaysia that listed in the KLSE. In previously discussion, some of the researchers found that international geographic diversification by MNCs will bring benefits to company. However, sometime MNCs may contribute less and no significant effect through international geographic diversification. Firm seeks to invest in foreign country due to many factors. Isnt international geographic diversification will bring benefits to the firm? If foreign investment no brings any advantages to the firm, no points to firm diversify in outside country. This study will focuses on the impact of diversify in other geographic region. Furthermore, a lot of researchers are most likely to look at outside country perspective compare to look at Malaysia perspective on MNCs. In Malaysia, more researchers are seldom focuses on analyze the impact of Malaysia MNCs to the risk and return performance. That is a reason for this study to analyze the influence of MNC in Malaysia risk and return performance. Objective This study is to determine the impact of international diversification on Malaysias risk and return performance. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Define of MNC Multinational Corporations (MNCs) is a corporation that has operation and production of fixed assets or other facilities in at least one overseas country and makes its major management decisions in a global context. Sometimes it also called as transnational corporation (Vernon, 1971). According to the Eun Resnick (2004), multinational corporation (MNC) is a business firm incorporated in one country that has sales operations and production in several other countries those in abroad countries. This mean a firm obtains the raw materials from one geographic market from other, after that, produces the goods with capital equipment in third country, and finally sell the finished product in other international markets. Furthermore, according to Dunning (1993), a multinational corporation is an enterprise that engages in activities such as foreign direct investment (FDI) and owns or controls value adding in more than one country. 2.2 The Advantage and disadvantage of MNC There have some advantages of MNCs. An increasing of the geographic scope of operation may enhance a firms ability to coordinate or share its international geographic activities (Kimet al. 1989, Qian 1997). It enables a firm to realize about the economies of scale and scope (Caves, 1996). For example, firm can get cheaper labor in certain countries compared with their parent company and used technology to reduce costs. It helps it to diminish fluctuations in profit by spreading its investment risks over other different countries (Kim, Hwang, Burgers, 1993). It helps reduce costs and increase revenues by enhance a firms market power over its distributors, suppliers and customers (Kogut, 1985). Although these are the major exploitation benefits of MNCs, the initial impetus to a firms internationalization comes from the opportunity to exploit market imperfections in the cross-border use of its intangible assets (Caves, 1971). A firm can gain above-normal returns by exploiting its firm-specific assets, especially intangible ones, in international markets (Buckley, 1988). Recently, scholars have drawn attention to the exploration benefits of internationalization using an organizational learning perspective. This perspective emphasizes that a firms subsidiaries in disparate host countries can help to enhance its knowledge base, capabilities, and competitiveness through experiential learning (Barkema and Vermeulen, 1998; Delios and Henisz, 2000; Zahra, Ireland and Hitt, 2000). In addition, each host country has its own unique resource endowments and location specific advantages, which might not be available in the home country. Such host country specific advantages can motivate a firm to establish subsidiaries there to explore these advantages and augment its competitiveness in both its home and host markets (Kogut Chang, 1991). Finally, Technology transfer can in turn generate significant positive externalities with wider implications for development (Graham , 1996).In Malaysia, for example, Motorola Malaysia transferred the technology required to produce a particular type of printed circuit board to a Malaysian firm, which then developed the capacity to produce these circuit boards on its own (Moran, 1999). Nevertheless, these have some disadvantages of MNCs. When making a foreign investment, a firms managers contend with many challenges related to a new operation, such as purchasing and installing facilities, staffing, and establishing internal management systems and external business networks. These challenges can put a new subsidiary in a disadvantageous position, as compared to an established firm in the target market, and can decrease its competitiveness. These liabilities, however, tend to decrease as a firms subsidiaries build and improve reputations and legitimacy in the host country in which they operate (Barkema, Bell, Pennings, 1996). Challenges can be experienced by any new subsidiary, but there are difficulties specific to new subsidiaries established in foreign countries. A foreign subsidiary has a liability of foreignness (Hymer, 1976) that can lead to it having higher costs because it cannot conduct business activities as effectively as a local firm. Being foreign means mistakes in various business decisions are more likely (Barkema Vermeulen, 1998; Vermeulen Barkema, 2002). Hoskisson and Turk (1990) argued that internal capital markets have governance and control limits. Markides (1992, 1995) reported value creation from corporate refocusing for firms in the 1980-88 periods. Bergh and Lawless (1998) found in a panel of 164 Fortune 500 firms that there were limits in the efficiency of hierarchical governance and that environmental uncertainty heightened its costs. Many of the costs associated with product diversification such as coordination difficulties, information asymmetry, and incentive misalignment between headquarters and divisional managers in multidivisional firms can be also manifest in multinational enterprises between headquarters and subsidiary managers (Denis et al., 2002; Harris, Kriebel, Raviv, 1982). As the number of internal transactions increases with the number of foreign subsidiaries established by a firm, governance costs can rise rapidly to a point at which the governance costs exceed any internalization benefits (Hitt et al., 1997; Tallman Li, 1996). The governance costs and coordination costs associated with increasing multinationality are compounded if these increases take place by a firms expanding the number of host countries in which it operates. 2.3 Background of Malaysia MNCs According to Madura (2000), there have three form of foreign investment which are acquisitions of existing companies in foreign countries, a joint venture with companies in foreign countries and opening up a companys subsidiary in foreign countries. Companies that conduct any of above form of investment are known as MNCs. Bala (1999) conducted a survey of foreign investments conducted by firms listed at KLSE in orger to identify MNCs originating from Malaysia. From 436 listed firm (as at October 1997), he discovers that 207 firms are actively involved in foreign investment activities and they can be considers as MNCs. In the survey, it was also discovered that 17 companies have more than 20 ongoing foreign investment projects in various countries. Top of the list is Sime Darby with 110 ongoing foreign investment activities spanning in 19 countries (Bala, 1999). As a result, we known Malaysia has highly engages in foreign investment. Above table show the companies in Malaysia that have diversify in foreign country in year 2008. The higher the diversification the lower the risk is. For example, Tanjong PLC has higher diversification which is 2.3667 and has a lower risk which is 1.691 for standard deviation ROA and 1.762 for standard deviation ROE. In contrast, Ireka Corp Bhd has lower diversification which is 0.6931 will has a relative higher risk in which 10.411 for standard deviation ROA and 33.472 for standard deviation ROE. Above table show the companies in Malaysia that have diversify in foreign country in year 2009. The higher the diversification the lower the risk is. For example, Insas Bhd has higher diversification which is 1.3778 and has a lower risk which is 2.009 for standard deviation ROA and 2.990 for standard deviation ROE. In contrast, Selangor Dredging Bhd has lower diversification which is 0.5004 will has a relative higher risk in which 3.835 for standard deviation ROA and 8.024 for standard deviation ROE as compare with Insas Bhd. 2.4 Evidence of Effect on International Diversification on Firm Performance As shown in many studies, the results towards international diversification were uncertainty. Some studies showed benefits of a business by diversification and sometime, some researchers showed that was no benefit on international diversification . In addition, Kim et al. (1989) argue that the firm has more subsidiaries in outside country, its opportunities to leverage strategic resources is greater while simultaneously diversifying market risks, thus raising its performance. As a result, many firms seek to get this benefits by diversify in overseas. One of the studies found that horizontal S-curve between geographic diversification and firms performance (Lu and Beamish, 2004). This mean which at first showed an increasing internationalization and the performance is decline, followed by a positive relationship between increasing firm performance and geographic diversification, and after that declined at very high levels of multinationality. This relationship in turn was moderated by intangible asset advantages that accrued with expansion of the geographic scope of a firm. Firms achieved higher returns to geographic expansion by strong technology or advertising asset advantages. However, there are also some arguments showed the result is negative effects and no relationship of firms international geographic diversification negative relationship. Denis, Denis Yost (2002) and Geringer, Tallman, Olsen (2000) found a negative relationship between geographic diversification and firms performance. It mean that diversification on overseas doesnt result in high return or lower risk to the firms. Furthermore, some studies (Hitt et al., 1997; Gomes and Ramaswamy, 1999; Capar and Kotabe, 2003) found an inverted-U relationship between the extent of geographic spread and performance. Kumar (1984) and Yoshihara (1985) found that there is no significant relationship between diversification and firms performance. Many researchers have different result on whether MNCs gain benefits to the firms performance. Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Data Collection The data of MNCs is collect from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) and obtain by using the source like internet. From the KLSE, we have chosen 27 companies annual report in which fourteen MNCs in year 2008 and thirteen MNCs in year 2009 that all is listed at KLSE. After find the annual report of each company, we calculate the subsidiaries of each company that incorporated in foreign country that outside Malaysia. Furthermore, we also calculate the ROA and ROE in year 2008 and 2009 for each company toward annual reports. We use Microsoft Excel to calculate our data such as ROA, ROE, and Standard Deviation. 3.2 Measurement of International Diversification During last decades, the measurements of the firm diversification seem to have significantly increased. Entropy is one of the methods which have remained use for over two decades (Sankaran P. Raghunathan, 1995). Recently, the entropy measure has been found to enjoy more validity than the other measures of firms diversification (Hoskisson, Hitt, Johnson Moesel, 1993). International diversification is calculated as the entropy of each firms relative to the country or region holdings: D= Siloge (1/S) Where D is diversification, Si is the ratio of a firms holdings (number of subsidiaries) in the country or region i to the total number of foreign subsidiaries. According to the market imperfection and transaction costs theories, the ability of a firm to earn profits upon its intangible assets and to minimize its costs of managing is affected by differences and similarities between the countries in which it was operated (Vachani, 1991). The relevant geographic units have close similarities in fluctuation of demand; external restriction and pattern of general economic conditions. Five geographic region are use to measure international diversification. These market areas are Asia, America, Europe, Asian and other ocean. These five international regions provide with the basic for geographic specification. Each of the firm is assigned a value in term of both the number of its subsidiaries in each region and the number of geographic regions in which it is involved. 3.3 Measurement of Performance Many researchers prefer accounting variables as performance measures such as return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA), along with their variability as measures of risk (Anil M. Pandya and Narendar V. Rao, 1998). Return on total asset (ROA). This is the most frequently used performance measure in previous studies of diversification (Pandya and Rao, 1998). ROA is defined as the ratio of net income (income available to common stockholders) to the book value of total assets it is expressed as: Return on Equity (ROE). This is the ratio of net income (income available to common stockholders) to stockholders equity. It is a measure of company performance from the viewpoint of shareholders. It is essential in the calculation of the ROE to use the profit for ordinary shareholders, which is the profit after tax and after interest charges (Weetman, 2003). It is expressed as: 3.4 Measurement of Profit and Risk In addition to these financial measures, the risk profile of the different diversification groups was also compared. This was achieved by computing the variability and risk per unit of return of the financial ratios. Variability could be measured by the standard deviation while risk per unit of return measured by the coefficient of variation (CV; Pandya and Rao, 1998). The CV is the ratio of the standard deviation to the arithmetic mean. It is expressed as (Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias, 1992): Where SD is standard deviation and is arithmetic mean.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Criticism of William Saroyans Five Ripe Pears :: Childhood Memories Novels Essays

Criticism of William Saroyans' Five Ripe Pears The boy declared that the pears were both the evidence of theft and the proof of innocence. In William Saroyans Novel, Five Ripe Pears, the critical approach that I decided to use is psychoanalytic criticism. I do know about Five Ripe Pears as a novel because I have done a paper on this novel before but I had no idea what psychoanalytic criticism was. Saroyans device of addressing Mr.Pollard (the principal) directly and using I really dominated the novel for me. It is almost like Saroyan is trying to be back in his childhood years. The style that Saroyan chooses by using figurative language and many metaphors really helped understand this essay for me. For example, Among the leaves I watched the pears, fat and yellow and red, full of the stuff of life, from the sun, and I wanted. Another thing to consider would be the point of view of narrator in style. By doing this Saroyan really wants the reader to know what he is talking about when he says, But it was not to eat. It was not to st eal. It was to know, the pear. Of life-the sum of it-which could decay. With this phrase that Saroyan uses it really threw me off as a reader. He was waiting for the perfect moment, almost like it was not about the pears anymore, but about his life. Saroyan wanted to grab that perfect moment in his life before it decayed or ended. What I really want to know is what does psychoanalytic criticism have to do with William Saroyans works and novels. I thought maybe that if I knew what this was I could apply it to what I already know about William Saroyans writings. I thought that Saroyan would say that psychoanalytic criticism is something that readers use to break down the author. Maybe to get beneath the novel and get those hidden meanings. I thought that this phrase was really just something that people use to explain why the author is talking about a certain subject or why the author has the novel end in a certain why. But what would William Saroyan do with this? A sensible Man is no less nave at six than at sixty, but few men are sensible. I think that if I knew what psychoanalytic criticism means to Saroyan as a writer I might know what he means when he says this.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Alcohol Abuse in Russia

Joe Bloe Professor I. B Smart BS 131 December XX, 2008 Alcohol Abuse in Russia Family Issues Russians drink more alcohol than any other nation in the world. (Halpin, 2007, p1) The Times of London reports that Russians are currently going on an alcoholic binge even by Russian standards. According to the country’s chief public health officer, Gennadi Onishenko, Russians are drinking nearly three times as much as they did sixteen years ago. Onishenko’s study was promulgated by the Russian equivalent of the consumer protection agency and it reported that at least 2. million people in Russia were alcoholics. The average Russian consumed 15 litres (26 pints) of pure alcohol per annum, up from 5. 4 litres in 1990, and this phenomena is blamed for a rising rate of mortality among men. This compares to 8. 4 litres for people in the United States and 7. 6 litres in Japan. (Halpin, 2007 p 1) Violent crime and alcohol consumption have increased throughout the Russian federation sin ce the fall of the Soviet Union. This has shown harmful consequences for families and communities, as heavy alcohol drinking is closely associated with violent behavior in Russia.The correlation between heavy drinking and violence is a complicated mixture of physiological, psychological, situational, social and cultural elements. Whenever measures to control alcohol production and consumption have been introduced, reduced violence has occurred in Russia and elsewhere. (WHO, 2006) Violence is a family’s worst enemy and may include physical and sexual assaults, mental or emotional abuse and neglect. It may also be categorized into interpersonal violence, child maltreatment or neglect, intimate partner violence within a relationship, sexual violence, abuse of the elderly or self-directed violence including suicide. WHO, 2006) There is ample evidence to support the relationship between heavy drinking and violence. In Russia, alcohol has been involved in three-quarters of homicide arrests. Families often bear the brunt of the violence that emanates from heavy drinking. In the Central Black-Earth Region of Russia, a study showed that 77% of violent crimes against family members involved drinking with 35% of these drinkers bingeing every day. Among male perpetrators of spousal homicide, 60–75% of offenders had been drinking before the incident. (WHO, 2006)Alcohol abuse affects physical and cognitive functioning resulting in reduced self-control and the ability to process incoming information. This makes drinkers more apt to resort to violence to resolve conflicts. (Rand Corp. , 2002) Heavy drinking can impair parents’ responsibilities toward themselves and their children. Drinking also reduces the amount of time and money spent on their children, often neglecting the children’s basic needs. Alcohol abuse by either the parent or the child increases the child’s vulnerability to sexual abuse.Sometimes children are made to drink alcohol to facilitate sexual acts or involve them in child pornography. (WHO, 2006) Alcohol abuse during pregnancy can result in children being born with fetal alcohol syndrome as well as health issues for the mother. Excessive drinking in a relationship can create problems with finances, childcare, infidelity or other stressors leading to potentially violent situations. (WHO, 2006) Health Issues Russians are suffering from a problem with demographic retention and a declining population base.Alcoholism is a leading cause in rising Russian mortality rates, particularly among males. Alcohol contributes to premature deaths involving accidents, injuries and violence particularly among males. Male mortality rates fell sharply during Gorbachev’s anti-alcohol campaign of 1984 to 1987. This effort reduced state alcohol production, raised prices for liquor, mandated alcoholic treatments where needed and cracked down on homemade liquor. The program was highly unpopular and abandoned, after wh ich both consumption of alcohol and mortality rates for males increased dramatically once again. Rand Corp. , 2002) Russia’s population has dropped from 145 million in 2002 to 140,702,000 in July of 2008. The birth rate is slightly higher at 11. 3 births per 1,000; up from 9. 1 per 1,00 in 2002. Male life expectancy is only 59 years and for females it is 73 years. (Fitzgerald, 2003, CIA 2008) Statistics for children are not encouraging. In 2003, the number of healthy children in Russia dropped from 45. 5 percent to 33. 9 percent over ten years, and the number of disabled children doubled, according to the epidemiology section of the Health Ministry.According to information gathered form the 2002 census, one third of Russian children are born out of wedlock. (Fitzgerald, 2003) The Russian Ministry of Health did not blame alcoholic parents for substandard health environments or the usual culprits of drug abuse, or smoking and eating junk food but blamed an increase in the schoo l workload and less time for outdoor exercise. The Ministry claimed that an incredible 75% of children were said to have hypertension and related problems in the 2003 analysis of Russian health. (Fitzgerald, 2003)Beer is regarded in many areas as if it were soda pop. Children as young as 13 routinely drink beer in public in some areas and the national legal drinking age is currently 18 years. Vodka has traditionally been available nearly everywhere to nearly everybody in Russia and children have no problem finding it. As in America and elsewhere, heavy alcohol consumption in Russia impedes a family’s well being in a host of problematic ways. And Russians drink more alcohol per capita than any other national population in the world. (Halpin, 2007)Gorbachev’s attempt to limit alcohol abuse In 1985 President Gorbachev, who was then president of the USSR, began a campaign to limit alcohol abuse by raising the legal drinking age to 21 years and imposing tough legal sanction s on home production of alcohol. (Today, the drinking age is 18 years. ) During the period of 1984 through 1987 when the campaign was running, state sales of alcohol decreased by 61%. Statistically speaking, the effort was successful in that total violent deaths dropped 33% and alcohol-related violent deaths dropped by 51%.The program was not popular with the public, however, and was abandoned in 1987. By 1992, market reforms for alcohol were instituted that liberalized trade and dropped prices and the rates of violent deaths increased substantially. (WHO, 2006) These rising figures are subject to interpretation because this was the era of perestroika in Russia and increases in violent deaths cannot be solely attributed to increases in alcohol availability and consumption. The temporal correlations between the crackdown on alcohol and the drops in violence indicate that they are interconnected.Perestroika and glasnost were introduced to Russian society in response to President Gorba chev’s initiatives toward political reform and moral recovery. A cornerstone of his plan was a reduction in drinking which he saw not only as a health problem but a cause of economic inefficiency. (McKee, 1999) He adopted a heavy-handed approach to limiting alcohol production, distribution and use. All state agencies were ordered to develop departmental strategies to cut down alcohol consumption. Alcohol was banned at official functions and party officials who drank heavily were dismissed from their jobs.Liquor outlets were dramatically reduced and the media changed its attitude to one of intolerance for alcohol and organizations like the All-Union Voluntary Society for the Struggle for Sobriety sprang up. This association claimed 12 million members one year after organizing. (McKee, 1999) Within a few years, as the Soviet Union was collapsing, the campaign faltered and was eventually replaced by a rapid rise in consumption, driven by widespread illicit production of homemade alcohol on a massive, national scale. Economic IssuesRussia's stock markets have lost about 70 percent of their value since peaks in May, and workers have been hard hit by lay-offs and wage arrears. The tepid global economy has left Russians hurting and they, like most of the world, have had to cut back on expenses. The result is less state-sanctioned vodka being sold and an increase in homemade spirits. Research by the National Alcohol Association showed that deaths from alcohol poisoning increased to 1,458 in September, presumably the result of Russians drinking dangerous substitutes for vodka as a cheaper way to get drunk. (Shuster, 2008)During Gorbachev’s anti-alcohol campaign, the production of samogon (homemade spirits) had become a large-scale industry that provided cheap alcohol to Russians while depriving the state of tax revenue. When restrictions were eased in 1988, alcohol consumption quickly exceeded the pre-1985 level. A Russian study done in 1995 revealed that regular drunkenness affected between 25 and 65 percent of blue-collar workers and 21 percent of white-collar workers, particularly in rural areas. (Coutsoukis, 2005) Unemployed workers are particularly vulnerable to alcohol abuse problems.Being available in most places, day or night and being historically cheap people without occupations tend to drink more often and heavier. When vodka is unavailable or too expensive, they will often resort to dangerous substitutes. In 1994, the number of people who died of alcohol poisoning rose to about 53,000, a major increase from 36,000 in 1991. These are typically the result of drinking homemade alcohol substitutes. Bootlegging had become a widespread criminal activity by the mid 1990s. (Coutsoukis, 2005) Legal vodka is big business in Russia.The word â€Å"vodka† means â€Å"little water† in Russian, a term of endearment. (Tartakovsky, 2006) The brand â€Å"Stolichnaya† sells $2 billion a year worldwide and was privatize d in 1992. Soyuzplodimport, or SPI, has the exclusive rights to export Stolichnaya, which vodka lovers in the U. S. fondly refer to as â€Å"Stoli. † Some 50% of the company's export turnover comes from the United States, thanks mostly to its strategic alliance with Allied-Domecq for U. S. distribution rights. (Shuster, 2008) Alcohol and workers The Russian workplace has always been a place where vodka contributed to the socializing rituals.Before the Bolshevik Revolution the Russian tradition of prival'naia, a welcoming ceremony for new workers that included snacks and vodka. It was a socializing event where the new workers would become acquainted with their fellow workers. The new workers were expected to provide the snacks and vodka for the veterans in exchange for training in the new job. (Andreasen, 2006) The Revolution changed the way workers were hired. Prior to this era, workers were usually hired on the recommendation of an acquaintance and the ceremony of prival'nai a was part of the payback for getting the job.With the implementation of the communist trade unions, the hiring became an impersonal process and there was no payback necessary and it eliminated the worker’s obligation to train new employees. These changes brought about the practical end to prival'naia, although some workers and organizations still clung to the old tradition where they could get away with it. (Andreasen, 2006) Russian worker culture has always included vodka. The working class sees vodka as an essential element for surviving their brutal winters and poor economy.It is an escape that causes apathy among the work force and contributes to poor health and accidents that make Russia’s work force less productive and more costly. Productivity in Russia has always been known to suffer because of heavy drinking. That belief is one of the motivators behind Gorbachev’s plan to reduce drinking in the 1980s. It is difficult to gauge the true impact of worker drinking and productivity because the Russian economy is still in a state of flux as it transfers from a state-controlled, centralized economy to free-markets. It is inappropriate to make comparisons about worker utput and drinking since the two economies measure productivity in myriad different ways. (Kryzanek, 2004) Many Soviet patriots and party leaders recognized the need to curb alcohol to increase worker productivity.Pokhlebkin was one of these patriotic historians who published his extensive research in a book called â€Å"A History of Vodka† he included a chapter depicting what he determined to be Russia’s descent into rampant alcoholism. Drunkenness, he asserted, is incompatible with socialist principles in that it undermines worker morale and curtails industrial productivity. Tartakovsky, 2006) Russian workers have become complacent after seventy years of communism. Entire generations have grown up shirking work because private initiatives were always discour aged and sometimes even dangerous. Wage inversion led to high pay for lowliest work while job dissatisfaction created moonlighting and demoralized workers moved from job to job. Alcohol has always exacerbated this complacency and lack of motivation. (Kryzanek, 2004) Heavy drinking has a deeply rooted history in Russian culture and life.The problem seems so ingrained in their society that it would be impossible to completely eliminate drinking from the society. This heavy drinking behavior is exhibited in other northern cultures like the Finish or Polish societies without such devastating consequences. In Russia, however, there is historical evidence to suggest that the country’s governments from the Czars to the Soviets have helped to create this culture. (McKee, 1999) There are also several sub-cultures of the drinking population in Russia because of geographic, gender and socio-economic variations, making it difficult to generalize the problem.There are even some people amo ng these groups who actually abstain or drink in moderation. The state itself has contributed to the drinking problem throughout the country’s history by producing and distributing cheap vodka in the name of tradition and profit. It should be feasible for the government to take some kind of proactive measures to stop its population from killing themselves with even-more toxic substitutes for a toxic product. Apparently, it will take many generations of sober Russians to change the high-profile role alcohol plays in so many national traditions.The Russian people have gone through many changes throughout the ages. Hopefully, their resilience will help them change their love of vodka and allow them to become socially conscious drinkers. That’s a tradition easily passed on.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

In Cold Blood Literary Analysis Essay

In Cold Blood, written by Truman Capote, is a book that encloses the true story of a family, the Clutters, whose lives were brutally ended by the barrel of a 12-gauge shotgun. The killers were 2 men, each with 2 different backgrounds and personalities, each with his own reasons to take part in such a harrowing deed. Capote illustrates the events leading up to the murder in sharp detail and describes its aftermath with such a perspective that one feels that he is right there with the culprits, whose names are Dick Hickock and Perry Smith. They had very critical roles in the murder and how they themselves were caught, and in many ways they were foils for one another. Through Capote’s extensive descriptions of Dick and Perry, and his use of dialogue, imagery, and point-of-view, he makes their individual roles in the story evident and makes clear the fact that they counterbalance each other, with their opposite personalities playing major parts in the Clutter murder case. Dick and Perry’s upbringings were vastly contrasting, and their effects were evident as the men grew and developed. Capote illustrates Perry’s childhood with explicit detail and does not hold back. Perry’s upbringing was marred with violence, tragedy, and misdirection. His mother and father were divorced, and constantly had issues with each other. His mother became an alcoholic, and eventually died upon choking on her own vomit(106). He lived in, by all means, a broken home. His entire family, save for one sister, had suffered in some sort of way. Perry gives the gist of his family’s status with saying, â€Å"Jimmy a suicide. Fern out the window. My mother dead. Been dead eight years. Everybody gone but dad and Barbara. ‘† (Capote 134). Perry’s sister Fern had fallen out of a hotel window to her Khan 2 death, with police finding a bottle of alcohol in her possession. Perry’s other brother shot himself, and Perry’s father walked out of his children’s lives when they were all quite young. Not long after that, Perry was put in an orphanage run by nuns. They would whip him constantly for wetting his bed (Capote 93), which was due to Perry having a weak liver (Capote 210). Because of his experience in the orphanage, Perry gave up on God and religion. When he was still a teenager, he joined the US Army and fought in the Korean War. After he came home, he got into a grisly motorcycle accident, mangling both his legs and stunting his growth. When he recovered, he went to go work with his father up in Alaska, which, after several years, ended in an argument from a biscuit, Perry’s father aiming a gun at him, and all of Perry’s possessions being thrown out of the house. So Perry decided to leave. â€Å"I picked up my guitar and started on down the highway† (136). Through all of his early life, it is evident that Perry had to deal with terrible tragedies, a lack of parenthood, and the fact that he never truly had a true home. He never fully learned compassion, mercy, respect, or the value of human life. None of these values were ever shown to him, nor was he ever required to show them to anyone, and in addition, it made him resent many people in his life. As Dr. Jones, a psychiatrist who studied Perry, concluded: â€Å"His childhood,†¦. was marked by brutality and lack of concern on the part of both parents. He seems to have grown up without direction, without love, and without ever having absorbed any fixed sense of moral values†(297) Perry’s upbringing played a major role in carrying out the murder of the Clutter family, and contrasted sharply with Dick’s early life. Dick Hickock’s upbringing was more structured and fortunate, the opposite of Perry’s. His parents had been there to support him, and he did well in school. When asked about his son’s school life, his father responded by exclaiming,†Basketball! Baseball! Football! Dick was always the star player. A pretty good student, too, with A marks in several subjects† (Capote 158). Dick had a fruitful education, and was even offered a scholarship, to which Dick simply says, â€Å"†¦ but I never attended any of them† (Capote 278). After high school, Dick took several small-time jobs, including working at a Khan 3 motor company, â€Å"when I [Dick] had an automobile wreck with a company car. I was in the hospital several days with extensive head injuries† (Capote 278). The car accident caused his face to be slightly maligned, and, as concluded by Dr. Jones, caused residual brain damage and instability in his personality (Capote 286). Dick’s father also confirmed that Dick had changed after the crash, expressing that â€Å"He just wasn’t the same boy† (Capote 255). After experiencing the crash, many parts of Dick’s life began to go downhill. His marital life twisted woefully, and when all was said and done, he had gone through 2 marriages. He did not have a steady job anymore, and he began to commit petty crimes, such as writing bad checks and stealing. The latter resulted in him being in jail, where he had met Perry, who was behind bars for burglary as well, among other charges. Dick and Perry had both agreed to kill the Clutters, however when the time came, Dick showed signs of doubt and lingered, while Perry had almost no hesitation. This seems to point back to each man’s past, where Perry, who had a rougher childhood, did not seem to think twice about killing the family. His scarred adolescence points to a more cold-hearted, bitter, and lonely person, while Dick’s more favorable youth showed signs of mercy and conscience. Perry and Dick’s relations with other people shaped their own respective character and personalities, including their tendencies towards other people. Dick is a self-assured, commanding and charismatic person who seems to think of himself as quite masculine. He’s had a few girlfriends, and more than one wife as well (Capote 277 – 279). He was a distinct athlete in high school, and was by no means anti-social. He is a very smooth-talker, and does not have any trouble using people to his advantage (Capote 97). His ease with people as well as the large amount of people he had befriended made him more sympathetic towards the Clutters, and, if anything, made him more understanding towards other people. Perry, to contrast, did not have the self-assurance or confidence Dick had. Since he was a child, he essentially had no one, as his family was essentially gone, and he moved from place to place. He had been abused by the nuns as a child (Capote 25), had essentially no friends throughout Khan 4 his short time at school, and was bullied often, in which cases he references the â€Å"Big Yellow Bird† carrying him away form his oppressors (Capote 265). Perry himself once expressed, â€Å"My friends are few; those who really know me fewer still† (Capote 225). He has relations with a small amount of people, and among the people who he’s ever interacted with, Perry has ended up resenting a great many of them. With so much dislike for such a large number of people, Perry has a distinctly negative view of people and society in general. This leads to him essentially having no mercy for the Clutters, rather treating it like it had to be done, and that there was nothing he could do about the murders. Additionally, Perry had been a lonesome individual for most of his life, so as he travels with Dick, he becomes quite attached to him, even after their relationship sours a bit. This seems to point itself out when Perry mentions, in a potential escape plan, â€Å"What about Hickock? All preparations must include him† (Capote 265). If Perry was planning to escape, adding another individual to worry about and the risk of getting caught is much higher. Yet Perry is too attached to simply let Dick go, but Dick in on another floor regretting that he didn’t kill Perry when he had the chance. Both Dick and Perry’s relationships with other people reflect in their personalities and attitudes towards contemporary society. Perry’s passive, dainty nature and Dick’s reckless, aggressive, asserting nature serve to offset each other’s behavior to an extent. Perry does not try to assert himself, but rather conforms to what other people, who he deems ‘larger’ than him, tell him. He is the one to worry about everything, as shown when he is concerned about wearing stockings so that no one will recognize them (Capote 37), if a torn glove is a bad omen (Capote 65), and in addition to the countless times afterward that he’d talked about the authorities tracing the crime back to them, that somehow they did have a witness (Capote 109). Dick is the more daring individual. He frequently acts upon a notion and carefully considers the consequences AFTER the deed has been done. He does tend to be reckless sometimes, as he became when he was writing bad checks, and used his real name in the same city he committed the murder of the Clutters in (Capote 213). With Dick nudging Perry on in whatever scheme they were Khan 5 plotting, and with Perry holding Dick back and thinking it through, they seemed to get both a bold plan along with attention to detail. In the book, Capote gracefully shows how Perry’s actions and tendencies function and respond with Dick’s personality and habits, making it clear that they are foils for one another. Works Cited Capote, Truman. In Cold Blood. Boston, MA: G. K. Hall, 1993. Print.

Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Approach

Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Approach Ambrose Bierce, the author of the short story â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge† used his own life experiences to create successful and expressive writing. The time period in which Bierce lived had a significant influence on his writing. Bierce’s experiences fighting the front lines in the civil war are brought out in his writings and short stories. The historic time period, in which Bierce placed the setting of â€Å"Owl Creek Bridge†, is very significant and creates a successful historic approach.Bierce tells â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge† in the third person point of view. In turn the reader has limited knowledge and understanding of situations taking place. Bierce’s third person point of view, historical setting, and theme of death, brands â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge† as a successful short story. The third person point of view affects the story in a number of ways. One sin ce the reader’s knowledge is limited; it is difficult to fully understand what the main character â€Å"Peyton Farquhar’s† is experiencing and the reasons behind his hanging.Bierce is the only person who knows how Peyton Farquhar thinks feels. Two, since he does not let the reader into the minds of the characters a sense of mystery is created. By the end of the story, Bierce seems both reliable and unreliable, he reveals that Farquhar is dead, but we also know that he imagined an escape. By introducing the reader to two different scenarios, Peyton being hung, and Peyton escaping into his wife’s arms, Bierce creates confusion for the reader. This third person approach enables Bierce’s story come to life and creates an interesting perspective.Bierce’s use of setting and historic time period in, â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge†, enables this story to be viewed time and time again. The Civil War relates back to our American roots, it is a piece of history that every American has learned about and is the reason why America is known as the â€Å"Land of the Free†. Incorporating American History into the setting of this story allows â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge† to be passed on from one generation to the next. Peyton Farquhar, the main character, is a southern farmer who is pro- slavery and a Confederate during the 1800’s (200).Peyton got caught in his attempt to destroy Owl Creek Bridge in order stop Union soldiers from reaching his family and farmland (200). This action is led to the reason behind his hanging. Bierce’s use of historic time period creates a successful, and relatable story for all readers. Death, the dreaded thought, Bierce plays into the human instinct to fight or cheat death. Peyton’s imagination comes into play when he does not want to accept the fact that he is going to die. Even though he is standing there, seconds away from being hung, Peyton imagines himself escaping.The story itself centers on an alternate reality that Farquhar creates in his mind, while he's really hanging, with no heartbeat, just activity in his brain. The idea is that Farquhar creates an escape in his mind, seconds before he is actually dead. Bierce utilizes denial as an essential element in the story, by exploring the human desire to cheat death, and escape fate. Peyton Farquhar tries to do so by examining any get away in his mind, before actually doing anything. By showing that even though, he escaped in his mind, Bierce demonstrates that death is unavoidable no matter what one does to escape it.Though death is not unexpected for Farquhar, he is ultimately unable to accept it. â€Å"As he pushes open the gate and passes up the wide walk, he sees a flutter of female garments; his wife, looking fresh and cool and sweet, steps down from the veranda to meet him. At the bottom of the steps she stands waiting, with a smile of ineffable joy, an attitude of matchless grace and dignity†¦As he is about to clasp her he feels a stunning blow upon the back of the neck; a blinding white light blazes all about him with a sound like the shock of a cannon- then all is darkness and silence. (204). Rather than accepting his own fate, Peyton resists death by imagining an elaborate fantasy of an alternate fate. Ambrose Bierce’s incorporation of setting, point of view, and theme produces an illustrious short story for all readers. Bierce makes the story relatable to all humans in the fight to cheat death. Knowledge of the civil war gears the reader’s understanding behind the actions that are taking place. Third person point of view is an effective way to keep the reader guessing and hanging on a limb.In an instant the whole story comes together, all the confusion, reality versus fantasy comes clear in the last sentence, â€Å"Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the ti mbers of the Owl Creek Bridge† (Bierce, 204). The reader finds out Peyton is dead at the very last second of the story in an instant Peyton gives in and loses his battle against death. Work Cited Bierce, Ambrose. â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge. † Edgar V. Roberts. Writing About Literature. Brief 11th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2006. 251